Adams County has two mandated agencies which are Adams County Children Services and the Adams County Board of Developmental Disabilities. The two agencies are mandated by Ohio law to serve at-risk children of child abuse and neglect and children and adults with developmental disabilities.
Lizabeth Lafferty, Superintendent of Adams CBDD, and Jill Wright, Executive Director of Adams County Children Services report that they have a combined total of 60 years of experience in the social services field. Both leaders bring with them a team of knowledgeable and well-respected staff charged each and every day for coordinating services, supports, and housing alternatives when no longer able to safely live at home or independently. Children Services operates the Wilson Home for Children, a licensed facility for 20 children. The Adams County Board of DD is the parent organization that in 2003 created the Venture Productions Housing Services, Inc. which allows for affordable housing operating under a 501c(3) Corporation. Lafferty serves as the CEO of this housing corporation to ensure the homes are used for Adams County residents who are in crisis, want independent living, or need respite services.
On September 28th, a partnership was formed with Children Services, Adams CBDD, Venture Housing, and Caregiver. Caregiver is the Agency Provider who operates licensed residential facilities in five states and will be operating Adams Counties’ first youth residential home, as well as providing respite services which provides relief for those families and children in both crisis and just normal situations. The first Youth licensed home will be operational in Adams County in a few months. Challenged daily with finding placements for youth in crisis, the growing mental health issues, the continued drug use of parents, the removal of children from their homes, the aging grandparents that just need a break and foster parents that need a date night or vacation away, Caregiver is going to pave the way for a brighter future. Caregiver will support the two agencies by providing certified staff the newly licensed home and in the homes of foster parents, individuals who live independently, and other residential homes. Nursing services will also be available. The youth crisis is present throughout the entire State of Ohio and Governor Mike DeWine has been on the forefront of allocating millions of dollars for Multi-System Youth services. The newest program, Ohio Rise is available to anyone who has Ohio Medicaid and needs behavioral health services. Children Services is the responsible agency for foster parents, certifications, trainings, and other supports. Adams CBDD is responsible for providers, certifications, trainings, compliance reviews, and technical support.
Partnerships are vital to the success of every county agency and entity. Leaders bring solutions to the table and Adams County is winning with the integrated relationships and daily networking of professionals. Current county statistics are as follows:
Children placed in Children Services custody: 178
Children in Foster Care: 67
Children place in relative/kinship homes: 83
Children residing at Wilson Children’s Home: 19
Children residing on other Children’s Residential Centers: 10
Families involved in ongoing cases for Adams County Children Services: 127
Children and Adults receiving Developmental Disabilities services: 119