One tradition fairgoers have during each and every Adams County Fair is walking around the Center Ring where food and craft vendors line to meet the enthusiastic crowds.

This year, the Adams County Regional Medical Center (ACRMC) in addition to the Adams County Medical Foundation added an option for fairgoers who not only wanted to stand in line for food and crafts but wanted to try a healthier option.
On Tuesday, July 13th, the Adams County Regional Medical Center joined in on “Health and Wellness Day” by sponsoring the Walk with A Doc program.
This event featured Dr. Anthony Blanchard, Podiatrist at ACRMC. Participants walked the distance of two miles with Dr. Blanchard, who answered questions about ACRMC’s podiatry program and offered education and healthy tips.

“The Adams County Regional Medical Center is proud to sponsor the Walk with a Doc program at the Adams County Fair,” said Blanchard. “We had one goal for this event and that was to get people out and exercise and also, maybe learn a thing or two. Just from adding a little exercise and learning different ways to improve your own well-being makes a world of difference and we are with you every step of the way.”
“Walk with a Doc was a great addition to the 130th Adams County Fair,” said Liz Lafferty, Secretary of the Agricultural Society of Adams County. “We are happy to see our guests enjoying their time on the grounds, but also participating in events that benefit their health.”
Dr. Blanchard practices at Adams County Regional Medical Center’s outpatient clinic located on its main campus in Seaman, Ohio offering podiatric services ranging from foot and ankle surgery to treatment of fractures, diabetic foot care, trauma, arthritis, wounds, and sports injuries, in addition to other services.
To learn more about Dr. Blanchard or schedule an appointment, please call 937-386-3451 or visit