The small animal exhibitors enjoyed a nice new modern building at the 2023 Adams County Fair due in small part to the $20,000 donation from Jr. Fair BBQ Committee. Eat year the BBQ Committee Donates the profit from the BBQ to the Sr Fair Board for Jr Fair improvements. Over the years the BBQ has helped build the old show arena, the old green and white booth building, blacktopping the roads, debt retirement on the horse and cattle barns, pens for the sheep and goat barns, $20,000 on the new show arena and last year. $20,000 for the small animal complex.
This year BBQ will be held on Thursday, Sept. 7th from 4:30 to 7:00 PM at the Ohio Valley CTC on SR 125 West of West Union. Adult tickets are $10 and include 2 sandwich’s baked beans, cole slaw, and chips. Do to low demand there will not be child meals this year. The BBQ will be drive through with meals delivered to your car. Tickets can be purchased in line at the BBQ.
Read more about the BBQ’s here