The Ohio State Highway Patrol reports that 2021 was a busy year for the agency in Adams County. The patrol performed 2,009 enforcement stops, compared to 1,425 in 2020.
Adams County had one less fatality on local roadways last year, but crash investigations increased slightly to 491 compared to 489 from the previous year.

Other statistics include: 1,236 warnings issued, 808 motorist assists, 261 seat belt enforcements, 43 distracted driving violations, and 178 driving under suspension enforcement actions. The Patrol also arrested two fewer drunk drivers last year in the county. The number of arrests were 87 compared to 89 in 2020.
Authorities had a dramatic increase in the number of felony arrests last year in Adams County. In 2020 there were only 17 felony arrests, but in 2021 there were 43.