A serious plumbing leak has caused unrest with the employees that work in certain portions of the Adams County Courthouse and Jail. An anonymous tip to the Informer led to an inquiry from this organization to county officials. The Informer was granted access to the building to photograph the damage.

According to the employees, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of retribution, the plumbing has leaked in several offices and the booking room for months, causing a black mold to form on the carpets, walls and ceilings.
According to county officials, the maintenance department is awaiting parts to repair the pipes, and the county has been in contact with several contractors, however, none were interested in tackling the plumbing problems. The problems are stemming from the addition that was completed in 1974, just short of 50 years ago.
Even though the leaks have continued on a steady basis, department personnel have continued to work around the problems.
According to a source within county government, the raw sewage dripping out of the pipes has also been leaking into several jail cells on multiple floors. The matter has also been reported to OSHA and BWC, however, so far no action has been taken by state or federal regulators.