The popular All American Boat Parade will return to the Ohio River this weekend for the Labor Day holiday. The event will also feature a parade for Jeeps and motorcycles.

At noon, line-up will be held at the Manchester High School for Jeeps and the MEAC parking lot for motorcycles. At 1 p.m. motorcycles will lead out with the Adams County Stands United organization and then Jeeps will follow.
“Like last year, be sure to give your river town spectators a nice view through the river parks, over the bridges and through the towns,” said Liz Lafferty.
Boats will begin at the Manchester Island at 2 p.m. with the sound of the air horn and will go as far down river as you want to go. “Come far, come wide, and schedule your camping on the Ohio River in Kentucky or Ohio, eat at the local restaurants during the Labor Day weekend,” said Lafferty.
The Grand Marshall of the boat parade will be Dennis Barnd, who will float his plane to lead the second annual “All American Boat Parade.”