Adams County citizens are now enjoying free food from seven Little Pantries courtesy of the NACDD Grant Project under the Adams County Medical Foundation. The Little Pantries are located in Manchester, Blue Creek, West Union, Peebles, Seaman, Winchester and Cherry Fork.
All pantries are operational and Church 180 sets aside appropriate food items for the pantries and Venture Productions then picks the food up and distributes to the pantries.
The Adams County Board of DD continues to be the Grant Coordinator working with all partners for the sustainability and continued success of all the projects associated under this healthy communities since 2016.
To date, over $70,000 has been awarded to Adams County for the grant work. “One in six people in America are hungry and we know those numbers are even higher in the poorest counties in Ohio,” states Liz Lafferty.
If anyone wants to hold a food drive for the Little Food Pantries, please feel free to do so and then drop the items off to Venture Productions, 11516 SR 41 West Union, Ohio.
Learn more about the Little Pantries from this article from March: Little Food Pantries Coming to Adams County.