Eleven Manchester High School students are inviting you to visit Crazytown as they bring it to life on May 5th at 7:30 pm and Saturday May 7th at 2pm and 7:00pm.
Crazytown is a play that takes it’s audience on a tour of the most messed up town in America.

As an audience member you will be fly on the wall inside a police interrogation room where the nicest guy in town is issued a strange ultimatum, to the elementary school for a heated political debate on critical issues like tater tots.
Crazytown’s town motto is Welcome to Crazytown!
Crazytown director Ma’ry’e Kinhalt, is happy to work with this group of students.
The cast and crew has seven seniors taking their last bow on the Manchester stage in this production. Arianan Alexander, Mason Dunn, Gage Kinhalt, Braxlynn McClanahan, Aaron Rowland, Mykaela Rowland, Meagann Stamm. They are joined by by Juniors Tiffany Montiza, Matthew Swearingen, Sophomore Daya Morgan and Freshman Ethan Rowland.