Information as of 11/28/2020. Info Changes Daily Check for the latest information.
Updated Map available here
Adams County is now on the statewide ‘watch-list’ for exploding COVID cases. While the county remains at a level 3 public health advisory, Adams County was included on an 11-county ‘watch list’ last week.

What is the watch list? Any county that has met six of seven indicators for one week is placed on the watch list. Adams County meets enough indicators to be considered at-risk level four or purple, because of the sustained impact on healthcare utilization. However, the system requires them to meet these criteria for two weeks in a row to ensure a consistent trend in the data before they become purple.
These measures are indicators of disease spread in the community; disease severity; community concerns about health and the virus; hospital burden; and capacity to manage a possible surge in critical COVID-19 patients.
1. New cases per capita: There have been more than 50 cases per 100,000 residents over the past two weeks.
2. Sustained increase in new cases: At some time during the past three weeks, there were at least five consecutive days when the number of cases (by onset date) increased.
3. Proportion of cases not in a congregate setting: The proportion of cases among people who are not residents of long-term care facilities, group homes, jails or prisons has been more than 50% in at least one of the past three weeks.
4. Sustained increase in Emergency Department (ED) visits for COVID-19-like illness: At some time during the past three weeks, there were at least five consecutive days when the number of COVID-19 ED visits increased.
5. Sustained increase in outpatient visits for COVID-like illness: At some time during the past three weeks, there were at least five consecutive days when the number of people making COVID-19 healthcare visits increased.
6. Sustained increase in new COVID-19 hospital admissions: At some time during the past three weeks, there were at least five consecutive days when COVID-19 hospital admissions increased.
7. Intensive care unit (ICU):* The percentage of occupied ICU beds in the region was above 80% for at least three days during the past week, AND more than 20% of ICU beds were being used for COVID-19 patients for at least three days during the past week.
This is a developing story. We will keep our readers informed as are provided information from the Adams County Health Department and the Ohio Department of Health.