Today take a few more minutes to show your pet you appreciate them. February 20 is Love Your Pet Day. For most pet owners every day is love your pet day but, on this day, take time to snuggle extra or give an extra treat. Even though the air is chilly today you and your pet can get out and enjoy some sun which is making an appearance in our area today.
National Love your pet day is a day we can pamper our pets. Most households in the United States have one pet. Dogs are the most common type of per, but cats are sneaking up behind dog ownership. According to the American Veterinarian Medical Association, 38.4% of pet owners have dogs while 25.4% own cats. Dogs and cats are not the only type of animals people keep as pets. Some prefer the companionship of birds, reptiles, fish or rats.
Pet ownership comes with many health benefits as well. According to the Centers for Disease Control. Pet owners are more likely to have decreased blood pressure, decreased cholesterol levels, decreased triglyceride levels, decreased feelings of loneliness and increased opportunities for exercise and outdoor activities, increased opportunities for socialization.
How can you observe National Love your Pet Day? Check that their vaccines are up to date, watch a pet video with them full of cats, dogs and other critters, give them a few extra strokes with the brush while grooming, practice their favorite commands – sit, shake, rollover, play their favorite game or bring out their best toy, inspect their toys to make sure they’re in good shape. Throw out any broken toys, wash their bedding, even if it’s not their laundry day. Let them fluff it up just the way they like it.

Whatever you decide to do, spoil and appreciate your pets! Share your love your pet day photo right here with us at The Informer and our Facebook page. You can also use #NationalLoveYourPetDay to post on social media.