Franklin Dental and Health Care is hosting a “Candy Buy Back” later this month. It is a nationwide campaign that allows children of all ages to participate in a service project that reaches out to Military Service Members, Veterans, and First Responders.

The Candy for a Cause is sponsored by a non-profit organization called “Operation Gratitude”. This Halloween, local trick-or-treaters can join kids across the country when they donate their extra Halloween candy to Operation Gratitude at the local collection site: Franklin Dental and Health Care.
The sweet treats will be included along with handwritten thank you letters in Care Packages sent to U.S. Service Members deployed overseas, and
In 2018, more than 440,00 pounds of candy was donated to Operation Gratitude and distributed to America’s heroes in signature Operation Gratitude Care Packages and
local deliveries around the country.
“Operation Gratitude’s mission is to thank all who serve, forging strong bonds between grateful Americans and the Heroes who serve and protect them,” according to Kevin Schmiegel, Lieutenant Colonel, USMC (Ret.) and CEO of Operation Gratitude.
“The Halloween Candy Give-Back Program provides every American child the opportunity to learn about service, sacrifice and generosity. Candy and handwritten thank you letters for deployed Service Members, Veterans, and First Responders will be collected at Franklin Dental and Health Care, 15 Shaker Run Road Peebles, Ohio on October 31st -November 6th Monday-Friday from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Dr. Randy Franklin and Dr. Brandon Privitera and staff are proud to participate in the Operation Gratitude Halloween Candy Give-Back Campaign to reduce excess sugar consumption, prevent dental decay, and teach children the importance of saying “Thank You to all who serve”.
Franklin Dental is going above and beyond by buying this year’s candy from anyone who donates. For each pound of candy dropped off at Franklin Dental, October 31st-November 1st, Dr. Franklin will pay $1 for each pound of candy donated – up to 5 pounds or $5. In doing this for our community Dr. Franklin and Dr. Privitera are hoping to help families learn about sugar consumption resulting in dental decay and this is a generous way to help limit the amount of candy the children will eat.