Get ready for the Adams County Public Library’s special October programs this month! Manchester Library will have their second annual “Hogwarts at the Library” month-long event, occurring every Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. You’ll make a variety of fun crafts inspired by the Harry Potter books, including Wolfsbane Slime, Painting Your Own Magic Wand, and other fun projects. Continuing the J. K. Rowling theme, the North Adams Library will host a “Harry Potter Teens” program on Thursday, October 17, complete with a “Horcrux” Scavenger Hunt, a Book Balancing Maze, and more! The North Adams Library will also have a Halloween Costume Party on Thursday, October 31 at 3:00 p.m. with candy and fun activities for the whole family!
For people working late and who don’t have access to internet at home, each Adams County Public Library branch offers free Wi-Fi until 10:00 p.m. every night. Available both inside the libraries and within their parking lots, the password to connect with the AdamsCoLibrary network is: mylibrary.
Also, remember that the Adams County Public Library has multiple mobile apps you can download from the App store or Google Play store. Signing into our SEO Libraries app enables you to search our online catalog, place holds, renew items, and manage other cards in your household by their linking accounts to yours. This app also has your library card barcode on it, in case you ever lose your card or just don’t have it with you. If you like eBooks or audio books, check out Libby (powered by OverDrive) or Hoopla Digital. With Libby, you can sign in with your library card and pin number (usually the last four digits of your phone number) and browse the Ohio Digital Library’s collection of thousands of eBooks, including children’s books and graphic novels, and digital audio books. You can place holds on items other people have borrowed, and they will instantly be available to you once that person finishes or the items are automatically returned. When using Libby, if you have a Kindle eReader or the Kindle app, you can download and read eBooks with that instead of within Libby. Simply borrow the item, and when it asks you what you want to read with, select Kindle instead. If you don’t like waiting for a book, search for it on Hoopla Digital, where every item is always available. Sign in with your library card and borrow up to ten digital items per month, including novels, comics, audio books, movies, TV shows, and music!
Library Resource Spotlight: Celebrating Hispanic History Month again this week, test your Spanish by using the Hispánica Saber/Gran Enciclopedia Hispánica (Hispanic Knowledge/Great Hispanic Encyclopedia). This encyclopedia is entirely in Spanish and includes over 100,000 articles that you can search or browse by topics like el cuerpo humano (the human body) or matemáticas (mathematics). It has more than 20,000 multimedia resources, including videos, images, maps, and audio recordings! In addition, this World Book website has an Encyclopedia of Mexico, a historic timeline, an atlas, and an Article of the Day. It even has a virtual art museum!
All Adams County Public Libraries are open from 10:00 a.m. till 7:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and from 10:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Visit us online at adamscolibrary.org.