On February 24th special deliveries were made all over Adams County, Each school received an adaptive bicycle. The adaptive bikes were acquired through a grant with the NACDD (National Association Chronic Disease Directors) which was written through the Adams County Health and Wellness Coalition. Liz Lafferty, Grant Partner Coach and Superintendent of The Adams County Board of DD and Lavonne McCoy, Grant Lead Coach made the deliveries to some very excited students! The MEAC also received an adaptive bike for community use. The intent of this grant was to get children with disabilities inclusive opportunities within regular classes and such as Physical Education and after-school programs. Both Ohio Valley and Manchester School Boards supported the grant and approved policies to support the use of adaptive equipment within their school districts. Shown to the left is students from North Adams taking their bikes for a test drive!
Ohio House Approves Bill Aimed at Simplifying Property Taxes, Reducing Homeowner Costs
The Ohio House of Representatives has passed House Bill 28, a measure designed to simplify the state's property tax system,...